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  1. Greg Shchepanek

    Others Quartz up Close

    Went in with super macro and with backlighting to get this shot with all the cracks and features
  2. Greg Shchepanek

    Want critique BOSS

    Point of purchase Hugo Boss advertising piece with back illumination.
  3. Greg Shchepanek

    Want critique Three Drops Should do it: Different Colour

    Dandelion seeding with water drops back illumination.
  4. Greg Shchepanek

    Want critique Three Drops Should do it

    Dandelion seeding with water drops back illumination.
  5. baldguywithacamera

    Your opinion? Zizula hylax -- Tiny Grass Blue

    This is Zizula hylax, commonly known as the Tiny Grass Blue. This was photographed in Singapore. I used a wirelessly triggered off-camera flash for backlighting. EXIF: F/7.1 1/200s shutter speed ISO 100 Flash fired, with diffuser Canon EOS 60D with Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L IS macro lens + 12mm...