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  1. SvetoslavRadkov

    Want critique White Butterfly

    Fruit butterfly on a blade of grass in a field
  2. A

    Your opinion? Melanargia galathea

    Melanargia galathea A small Burgundy butterfly whose portrait was drawn in Meursault in France two years ago. They start to come out with us with spring and we already have the male Anthocharis cardamines. The ladies should not be long. It is difficult for me because I am not early in the...
  3. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Your opinion? Waiting for summer. Night butterfly 🦋

    Hello everyone, I just editing pictures from last summer, and I really waiting for the moments i can go to shoot beautiful insects and discover the world again, there is a lot of practice also :D. I'll try to share more pictures soon ;)
  4. NikS

    Your opinion? Butterfly

  5. NikS

    Your opinion? Two butterflies

  6. NikS

    Your opinion? Butterfly and snail

    Hello! 👋 Thank you for the invitation! 🙏:) My first post will be on a butterfly with a snail, I hope you like it :giggle:
  7. Yohanna_D

    Your opinion? For the better and the worst

    Hi everyone, Here is me with a new photo, hoping you would enjoy it. Taken in Romania (my home-land). Best regards.
  8. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Map Butterfly