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  1. Ron Westbroek

    There's A Light

    E-M1Mark III M.Zuiko 60mmf/2.8 macro Iso 100, 1/3 sec. Stack of fifteen photos. The photo was taken with a lamp and a tablet. Do it when it's dark or in a dark room. On the tablet you put a photo with neon on it, put the lamp on it again and click.
  2. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Want critique A view through the dry leaf

    moss, view through the dry leaf 1.100s f 2.8, ISO 200.Olympus 60mm macro.em10IIImark, Yesterday , 9.49pm
  3. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Want critique Water drops on the paper with reflection of the tulipan flower

    Shooted on my balcony during cold day.., one year ago.. Camera: My old Olympus Pen 6 f.13 1/60s Iso 320 What do you think about the shoot? :)