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  1. Chavezshutter

    Your opinion? Common Brown Butterfly - Heteronympha merope

    I dont get too many photos of butterflies, they are very skittish and dont let you get near at all near my area. Anyways, here is one I got last spring. Hope you like it..
  2. Candlemann

    Your opinion? Morning Mushroom

    My favorite thing about this photo is if you zoom in to the right of the mushroom you can see the cloud of spores being released into the morning breeze.
  3. TomM

    Your opinion? Green stink bug

    Early morning Stink Bug
  4. TomM

    Your opinion? Little Blue

  5. isulanu

    Landscape Il podére Belvédère.

    one of the most famous photo spots in the world, and very popular with photographers (at 5:30 am, I had trouble finding a place!) ... il podere Belvedere, (San Quirico d'Orcia, Toscana)