panasonic dmc-zs60

  1. Happy World Turtle Day: Midland Painted Turtle

    Happy World Turtle Day: Midland Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta marginata) Dunrobin, Ontario, Canada. Panasonic DMC-ZS60 • ƒ/6.4 129.0 mm 1/125 200 Flash (off, did not fire)
  2. Making Sweet Love: LeConte's Tiger Beetles

    LeConte's Tiger Beetles (Cicindela scutellaris ssp. lecontei) Pinery Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. Panasonic DMC-ZS60 • ƒ/3.5 4.3 mm 1/1000 80 Flash (off, did not fire)
  3. Eastern Carpenter Bee

    Ladened with pollen the Eastern Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa virginica) takes a rest at Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve, Pelee Island, Ontario, Canada. Panasonic DMC-ZS60 • ƒ/3.3 4.3 mm 1/800 80 Flash (off, did not fire)
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