
  1. Your opinion? Blowfly

    There was a dead Blowfly in the garden and I immediately used it as a model. Fifteen photos stacked in camera and out of hand. Light: daylight only
  2. Your opinion? Blow fly

    Stack of fifteen photo's in camera. E-M1Mark III M.Zuiko 60mmf/2.8 macro Iso 100, 1/80 sec. Handheld Light: daylight
  3. Your opinion? Venus slipper a stack of 36 pictures

    This flower is a cultivated type. It was just standing in the window at mine old mother. I like to here your reactions.
  4. Your opinion? Shitfly

    Fifteen photos stacked in camera and out of hand.
  5. Your opinion? Meadow Grasshopper

    E-M1MarkIII, M.Zuiko 60mmf/2.8 macro iso 250, 1/250sec. Stack of fifteen photos. Hand held. Daylight
  6. Your opinion? Large marsh horsefly

    Stack of fifteen photo's in camera. Out of hand E-M1MarkIII, M.Zuiko 60mmf/2.8 macro, F/4, 1/125, iso 100
  7. Your opinion? Dewdrops

    Went out early for small critters. The Damselflies and Dragonflies were not yet able to fly because they were still too cold and wet. A great opportunity for a close up photo with dew drops. Stack of fifteen photos taken in the camera Hand held Daylight.
  8. Your opinion? Green Bottle Fly

    E-M1MarkII, M.Zuiko 60mmf/2.8 macro, f/3.5, 1/8 sec, ISO 250 60 Images, Caruba Extension Tube 16mm Helicon Focus and a little Photoshop, Light: Day light
  9. Your opinion? Pistils of a Gerbera

  10. Your opinion? Gerbera

  11. Your opinion? Twin-lobed Deerfly

    Another photo of the Twin-lobed Deerfly. Now between the drops. And did you know that these don't sting but bite. When they bite you, they bite a piece out of your skin and it hurts so much.
  12. Your opinion? Crane fly

  13. Your opinion? Close up

    This photo was not taken in a studio, but simply in the open air. You can also take good photos with a simple setting (see second photo). Tripod has been replaced by a self-made garden bench. Did use a remote control. How simple can you make it.
  14. Your opinion? Flesh Fly

    This fly is enjoying a pear here.
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