Movies New avengers ?

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Love Macro
Staff member
3 3 1
Mar 13, 2020
But didn’t Steve kinda left as well?
It just brought back one line from Spider-Man:Far from home where those aliens pretending to be Fury and Hill told him that everyone’s asking where the Avengers are. So basically that movie made me expect something regarding that in the next installment (whatever that would be and whenever in the future)
Also yes, Black Widow and Hawkeye movies. After that I suppose there should be something entirely fresh. Although now that I’ve slept on that thought I am not actually against something called “New Avengers” (also not familiar with comic-verse so that’s maybe what happened there.
Also kinda reminds me of X-Men. And there I am already having million new plot ideas and options how to do same characters with new faces (and didn’t I watch something about alternate Loki version??)

So that’s my humble musings. While I’m not super knowledgeable I do have opinions and stuff I’d mark I’d wish to explore (or I could always write my own fanfic to cover that discrepancy imho) 🤷🏼‍♀️

At the moment, we can wait for Marvel new. But I don’t really think there will be any.