Your opinion? Who is a fan of green crystals <3.

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Minerals: Olivenite Cu2AsO4OH and Cornwallite Cu5(AsO4)2(OH)4 ( tiny crystals )
They are very small and hard to see with naked eyes. My friend from Germany gave me last 3 month.
FOV about 1 mm.
Devices: Canon 750d + Extension tube 150 cm + Archromatic Objective lens 10x + Godox v860ii .
Images: 35
Settings: ISO 100 - 1/200s
Steps: 0.02 cm.
Zerene stacker + Lightroom.

Tuyen Nguyen

New Member
Aug 3, 2020
Looks like ice Tuyen Nguyen Tuyen Nguyen . Maybe adding more light to the image, so the subject will pop up easier .
whoooaaa so interesting ^^ i really like your photo style ^^ maybe more contrast ?
Thank you guys. This little crystals cluster is nearly inside quartz matrix. I try to add more contrast, but it seems to skew the actual color of the specimen. I also struggled with this colored specimen. I will try again with more light.
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