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The member has asked your opinion about his/her photo(s) attached in the topic.
I myself am afraid of spiders.
Still, I think it's cool to take macro photos of them as long as they are smaller than 10mm.

Olympus E-M1MarkIII
Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm macro
iso 100
Stack of fifteen photos by hand.
Daylight Wolfspin 26-2-RONW0083.jpg


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Aug 4, 2020
Hi Ron Westbroek Ron Westbroek,

I know what you mean about spiders šŸ˜… , larger ones, specially fast ones like wolf spiders and huntsman test my nerves when shooting them up close. I usually have to take a few deep breaths before I get closeups šŸ˜‚. How big was this spider? Nice job on the photo, cool framing and angle. Nice bokeh and focus, the foreground and background colour could have been more complimentary but I wouldn't try moving a wolfspider..maybe šŸ˜†Anyways, The photo looks great but watch those highlights, you had a bright day to deal with it seems. Overall its a very good photo and good on you for conquering a little of your spider fears šŸ˜€
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Ron Westbroek

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Apr 21, 2020
Thank you Chavezshutter Chavezshutter.
I don't get that Spider fear from this one was 10mm big (small) and they shouldn't get any bigger.
TheSpin was sitting here on a burlap sack about the same color as the Spin.
Editing in Photoshop always gives me the creeps because then you see it filling the screen.
The weather was beautiful with a lovely sun at 8 deg.