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  1. Safiqul

    Your opinion? Common House Fly

    The housefly (Musca domestica) is a fly of the suborder Cyclorrhapha. It possibly originated in the Middle East, and spread around the world as a commensal of humans. It is the most common fly species found in houses. Adults are gray to black, with four dark, longitudinal lines on the thorax...
  2. Safiqul

    Your opinion? Telamonia Dimidiata

    Telamonia is a genus of jumping spiders that was first described by Tamerlan Thorell in 1887. They are colorful spiders, with patterns that vary considerably between sexes and species. Two longitudinal stripes along the abdomen are common, and the carapace is often colored. They have a slender...
  3. Safiqul

    Your opinion? Blue Cuckoo Bee

    Blue Cuckoo Bee are not that much common in Bangladesh. Its a native bee and very common in Australia.
  4. Safiqul

    Your opinion? Cuckoo Wasps

    Among the most exquisite wasps to be found in Australia are the cuckoo wasps (or emerald wasps) which are almost wholly bright iridescent green, blue or purple. The body surface is deeply and densely pitted, imparting a glittery appearance. Some northern hemisphere species have gold or reddish...
  5. Safiqul

    Your opinion? Eyes of the Fly

    This picture was taken in the National Botanical Garden. Hand held capture. The fly was very tiny. But unexpected outcome.
  6. Safiqul

    Your opinion? Preying Mantis

    Very common and often found mantis in Bangladesh.
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    When lives leave you......
  8. Safiqul

    Your opinion? Jumping Spider

    The very common Spider.
  9. Safiqul

    Your opinion? Wild Mosquito

    It was a random click, one click shot. After transferring the photo, I found it awesome.
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    Beauty of Nature, Mating of Orange Pumpkin Bugs Canon 6D with 100mm 2.8USm macro lens Radiant Diffuser with Godox TT600
  11. Safiqul

    Your opinion? The Angry Bird (Jumper Spider)

    Jumping spiders are a group of spiders that constitute the family Salticidae. As of 2019, this family contained over 600 described genera and over 6,000 described species, making it the largest family of spiders at 13% of all species.