
  1. Want critique Battleweary - Blue Metallic Flea Beetle (Altica pagana)

    Hi, Taken at the same time as my Longhorn beetle posted prior, I found this guy at Werribee Gorge park. It has seen better days with only one antenna and a few dents on its armour but the colour alone i felt was worth posting, hope you like it
  2. Your opinion? Hide and seek - Longhorn Beetle ( Pempsamacra dispersa)

    This photo is about a year old. At the end of a long bushwalking and shooting session at a park I saw this beetle in some foliage, I wanted a better shot where I could see its face clearly but as we were about to leave, this was the best I could manage while it played hide and seek. Shot on my...
  3. Your opinion? Tabletop Weevil

    Hello, I found this weevil on my table. No extension tubes on hand so I shot it with just lens.
  4. Your opinion? Orange Spider Wasp (Cryptocheilus bicolor) Rye, Victoria

    While on vacations to a nearby beach I saw this beautiful wasp. It is about 4 cm long and it was hunting. It's movement I can only describe as a bee on crack cocaine or some other heavy drug. Very erratic stop and go fast movement, jumpy and very aggressive, it would not sit still for a...
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