
  1. Birds Couple of swans enjoying arctic summer nights, Oulu, Finalnd

    20.5.2020.o'clock 1.44.am .ISO640. f.5.2 1.50s.109mm Olympus75-300mm Olympus omd em10markIII 20.5.2020.o'clock 1.44.am.ISO640. f.5.2 1.50s.109mm Olympus75-300mm Olympus omd em10markIII. Sea beach Oulu, Finland. 20.5.2020.o'clock 1.44.pm. Arctic summer nights are so wonderful that althought...
  2. Landscape One more HDR panorama of arctic summer night over the sea, Oulu Finland

    Hi! I sand one more HDR panorama with you ;), I want to just share phots with you, but in the last time I've been shooting and editing a lot of panorama and lanscape photos ;), macros will nextly ;) In the picture my secound in my life ''HDR '' panorama ;), merged from 25 pictures in Lightroom...
  3. Landscape My first HDR panoraamas in my life of wonderful arctic, white summer nights of the seascapes, Oulu, Finland

    Hi! I''ll share this time my 3 HDR panoraamas, some of differend pictures like macro sometimes is great to share too ;) Especially when I'm not shooting macros :D I\m so exciting about the HDR panoraamas, because my first '' HDR'' Panoraamas, and I'm so glad about the effects, because the...
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