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  1. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Want critique still lot of practic... ;), but results looks quite well .. ;)

    just step by step aheed :D not my best trying but I like the sharpness on the insect -( I forgot the name :D, but I find it later ). and on the leaf, but some of fixed will be needed for the picture.. But what do you think agout the picture? ;) I decided to share it , althought is not...
  2. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Want critique My first hand handing focu stracking! of insect :)

    Hi everyone, Here is just my first -hand handing focus stracking in camera- merged in Photoshop, edit Photoshop CC and when in Lightroom classic cc external tubs used , but not full magnification of it.. So, the picture - trying new hand handing technique šŸ„³ :cool: Lot of learning and...