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  1. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Horsefly

    Horsefly with dew drops. In the middle drop you see the orange flag hanging for the European Football Championship. Om_System, OM-1MarkII- M.Zuiko 90mmf3.5 - 1/30 - iso100 - f/5 Stack of fifteen photos Handheld Daylight
  2. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Hi

    Blue tailed Damselfly sat down for a while.
  3. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Up to the top

    On the way to the top and then back again because you can't go any further.
  4. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Common Dandelion but different

    Been tinkering a bit with light and a fluff of a dandelion.
  5. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Common Horse Fly

    The common horsefly (Haematopota pluvialis) is an insect belonging to the order Diptera. It is the best known and most common type of horsefly.
  6. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Azure Damselfly

    Azure Damselfly with Mites
  7. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Common Red Soldier Beetle

    Common Red Soldier Beetle
  8. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Housefly

    Stack of fifteen photos, Handheld, Daylight.
  9. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Housefly

    For this I used Focus bracketing 100 photos and composed with Helicon Focus and then ran through Photoshop.
  10. MinitecaPhotographie

    Your opinion? Euophrys frontalis male

    8 years, that's the number of years I've been waiting for founding another time this beautiful jumping spider.
  11. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Common Awl Robberfly

    The Common Awl Robberfly is related to the common Robberfly. It's a stack of fifteen photos.
  12. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Green Leaf Weevil

    Last weekend I went out with the 90mm macro lens, and I came across this Green Weevil
  13. Nita Photography

    Android Spider

    Hi, I am an amateur photographer and my photos are taken with a Xiaomi 11lite smartphone during my walks.đź’š
  14. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Jumping Spider

    E-M1MarkIII M.Zuiko 90 mm f/3.5 Macro IS PRO Stack of fifteen photos F/5, 1/40, iso 100
  15. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Bubble blowing fly

    OM-D E-M1MarkIII OM System 90mm F3.5 Macro IS PRO Stack of fifteen photos, Handheld, Daylight.
  16. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Heath

    Heath after a heavy rain shower
  17. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? House fly

    E-M1MarkIII OM System 90mm f/3.5 Macro IS PRO M. Zuiko Teleconverter MC-20
  18. Abe Maaijen

    Want critique Mini flower of the hazelnut

    For this small flowers you wil need a loupe. It only 1,5 mm big. You see here both flowers the male and the female.
  19. Making a spider home for home studio.

    Making a spider home for home studio.

    I frequently collect some spiders from nearby gardens and keep them in my home studio for about a week. Bring the spider out of its temporary home and do some photoshoots in my tabletop studio. I am uploading a few slides, describing a very simple technique for making a spider home
  20. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Swallowtail

    Caterpillar of the Swallowtail deliciously eating the cow parsley. E-M1MarkIII, M.Zuiko 40-150mmf/2.8, iso100, 1/1600, 73mm