
  1. 190823_R5_151_2048.jpg

    Paper Wasp
  2. Cerceris convergens

    A 36 image stack of this tiny little wasp. Gear: OM Systems OM-1 Olympus 60mm 2.8 Macro Raynox DCR-250 Godox v350o Cygnustech Diffuser
  3. 2022 : Year of the wasp...

  4. Giant Ichneumon Wasp

    This is a Giant Ichnuemon Wasp female, she is currently laying eggs directly on Horntail Wasp larva (if you look at her abdomen, you can see the very long ovipositor going down between all of her legs and into the tree). OM-1, Laowa 50mm, Godox v350o, Cygnustech diffuser
  5. Cuckoo wasp

    6mm long cuckoo wasp.

    I found a few red paper wasps hanging on an old rope in the garden of my campus. I found their movement interesting, some had black eyes and some had green. I immediately start taking pictures of those wasps.
  7. Your opinion? 986A4970 T.O.P G.U.N

    Hi friends, Here is a fresh one of this wasp. I named it Top Gun. Hope you like it too.
  8. Want critique German yellowjacket wasp

    Playing hide and seek with this beauty
  9. Your opinion? || A Super Close-up of a Wasp ||

    So I saw a dead wasp the other day and took it home and placed it on my mouse pad. Clicked several pictures and stacked them in Photoshop. This is a stacked image of 84 photos. The photos were taken with Sony A7iii with 55-210mm lens with Raynox DCR-250 attached. I have used external flash with...
  10. A Super Close-up of a Wasp

    I saw a dead wasp yesterday and took it home and placed it on my mouse pad. Clicked several pictures and stacked them in Photoshop. This is a stacked image of 41 photos.
  11. Your opinion? Cuckoo wasp asleep on my finger

    Here is a single shot made two days ago of a tiny cuckoo wasp asleep on my finger. The frame is 9mm long.
  12. Your opinion? Cuckoo wasp on my hand

    Here is a cuckoo wasp found yesterday during a cloudy afternoon. Handheld single shot at 3:1 magnification ratio. Here is a video of the beast on my hand: video
  13. Your opinion? Cuckoo wasp

    Every night since 3 days I go outside to find cuckoo wasp asleep on thin dry grasses. Here is one found yesterday. 4mm long.
  14. Want critique Exploring the flower

    OK, now with the photo. I took this picture while laying down in the grass
  15. Your opinion? German wasp (Vespula germanica)

    This wasp was chilling in the shadows last summer, such a nice creature to see.
  16. Your opinion? How's my wasp?

    A few weeks ago I was out practicing my macro shots and found a wasp! I believe its a Common Paper wasp.
  17. Want critique Wasp in flight

    After sitting in my garden next to this flower for about an hour camera in hand, waiting for one of those wasp that was flying around to land on this flower, I wanted to capture it in flight, I knew i had only one shot to nail focus and take the shot. i wanted the flower in focus also the wasp...
  18. Your opinion? wasp series

    A series of wasp photos taken in my garden 1 of them i put a blue back ground so the wasp would have a good contrast
  19. Your opinion? Portraits of a wasp

  20. Your opinion? Ichneumonid Wasp

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