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Life in wild, images made outdoors in the wild, example wild animals, and tropic places. Showing the life of these animals in that way how they are living their lives.
Canon EOS M100 • EF-M28mm f/3.5 MACRO IS STM • ƒ/5.0 28.0 mm 1/125 100 Flash (off, did not fire)

Greg Shchepanek

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5 3 3
Apr 20, 2020
It is interesting which frogs venture far from water and can be found in the woods. This Northern Leopard Frog (Lithobates pipiens) was close to the Ottawa River but was found jumping inland at the Britannia Conservation Area, Mud Lake, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


Welcome to the beautiful North of Europe :)
3 2
Apr 18, 2020
Yes there are lots of frogs from Coast to Coast and all different kinds as well, the Wood Frog is the most widely dispersed here and is found in the north as well all the way to Alaska.

Sounds interesting 😉
I didn't seen frogs here still 🙄. But I think some of them could be founded in Finland 😆 its just so long country with almost different climate in the South as in the North and with different flora and fauna... 😉😆🤓
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