Boxes from equipment

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Love Macro
Staff member
3 3 1
Mar 13, 2020
Hello. I was wondering how many of you are keeping ans saving boxes from your brand new purchases equipment ? Do you keep it , or your just bin it ?


New Member
1 2
Apr 23, 2020
Oh... This a question for me! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
I always keep the boxes of my equipment! I also take care of my equipment at an extreme point! I keep them in case I want to sell them and give away my equipment to the new owner with everything.


Love Macro
Staff member
3 3 1
Mar 13, 2020
Yes, I thought is only me :D . Got a bunch of canon boxes here. And yes panos_adgr panos_adgr i really take care of my equipment too, as this is an investment. They wonā€™t last forever, but taking good care will last for longer time .
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New Member
1 2
Apr 23, 2020
Yes, I thought is only me :D . Got a bunch of canon boxes here. And yes panos_adgr panos_adgr i really take care of my equipment too, as this is an investment. They wonā€™t last forever, but taking good care will last for longer time .
It is not only you Jack! šŸ˜…

And I have to admit of my self, that I have a kind of psychosis with objects...
It has its roots, personally speaking, in the fact that I do not like the wear caused by time. I do not like to see my things deing worn of by bad usage. I always keep my things in the best condition I can. I take care of my equipment as much as I can. I try to use them with caution as much as possible.
To give you an example. One of my most beloved cameras ever was the Nikon F90X. I bought my first in 1998 and I still have it in perfect condition. No scratches, no were of the markings on the camera and free of dust. In 2002 (i think) i bought a second body which I've never used. It is still new in the box.
I know that it doesn't sound that logical but it has to do with a connection I have with some things. There some things I own that I slowly I somehow develop a special connection with them. My cameras for example are tools for my creation. The fact that these tools as a medium give me the ability to create nice things through them develops a special relation between me and them.
I respect them in terms of good usage because, as tools they give me the ability to express and create.
My new fetish is my D850. I'm thinking of buying a second one for the same above reasons.

I do not tend to talk much about this kind of relation I have with things. People that know me well know about me and the way I think.
The above beliefs are also what make me keep boxes of my things.
Another reason that makes me respect my things is the effort each time I spend to buy them. I own quite a few cameras, lenses and gear that have cost me some money. I try to keep them in the best condition I can to enjoy them longtime. I also take in consideration the aftersale value and the potential future buyer who, I would like to enjoy a potential object I sell to him or her as I did.

I know that some of the above things might sound a bit eccentric but this is how i think.
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Love Macro
Staff member
3 3 1
Mar 13, 2020
It doesnā€™t sound eccentric panos_adgr panos_adgr . I do like to keep boxes as well, but not from everything, only from these items which does cost money and I really want them to last for as long as possible. And same as you, Iā€™m really Iā€™m really careful with my equipment , especially lenses , as they are the most important parts of the cameras. I donā€™t own a lot of lenses , but i do keep them in clean condition and in their bags.
Regarding selling Them, I donā€™t think I would sell them ever, as after a time, the value is not the same as from beginning because there will be more performant Lenses and cameras which will drop down in price for old equipment, which means if you were decided to sell you equipment , you will loose a lot . I already did once, and regret a lot.

Greg Shchepanek Greg Shchepanek its good feeling For the person when you give something On its own package, feels like the item is new.
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Legend TEAM
5 3
Apr 20, 2020
I keep the box ok my camera but not for all my equipment. I'm not sure about the box of my old 60mm lens. I think it was damaged as our cellar was under water.


Love Macro
Staff member
3 3 1
Mar 13, 2020
I keep the box ok my camera but not for all my equipment. I'm not sure about the box of my old 60mm lens. I think it was damaged as our cellar was under water.

I try to keep boxes for my lenses and other expensive equipment. Especially for my workhorse 70-200 Is II L f2.8 which is a massive box. šŸ˜