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GAME: Weirdest Macro Images.

Hi everyone. Let's make this game a bit more fun and interesting.

So if you have a weird macro image or funny one, let's share it here, and let's have fun. :)
A bit about myself. I been doing weddings, portrait and private events for some years. And one day I discovered how interesting macro world can be with my lens 18-200 Is Canon. After couple of months, decided that this is what I would love to do...
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Welcome to the beautiful North of Europe :)
3 2
Apr 18, 2020
640f2.8.1.125s stacked (1 of 1).jpg
640f2.8.1.125s stacked
Ok.. I will start the game with this picture.. :D .
\\ I think every macro photographer know this feeling... when you start to make focus stacking& bracketing series and your object start to clear up itself.. \\ .
I was so intresting about, what I'll get with, that I decided to try merge it.. and the effect has been so funny... :D :D


New Member
Legend TEAM
3 2 1
Jul 14, 2020
Hi friends,
Amongst the funny ones - I don't think I have many funny or weird photos, I found one that dates back in 2012.
The fly's position with its legs on the head of the other one looked really funny to me; but this is nature.
exifs: f/8, 1/400s, iso 100, 90 mm, no tripod used
IMG_2636 bis.jpg


Love Macro
Staff member
3 3 1
Mar 13, 2020
Hi friends,
Amongst the funny ones - I don't think I have many funny or weird photos, I found one that dates back in 2012.
The fly's position with its legs on the head of the other one looked really funny to me; but this is nature.
exifs: f/8, 1/400s, iso 100, 90 mm, no tripod used
View attachment 6425

Sometimes you can catch such of funny moments too :D