Your opinion? Monarch caterpillar.

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The member has asked your opinion about his/her photo(s) attached in the topic.


Staff member
Mar 5, 2024
An impressive photo, Willy. I like your composition, the bright colours and the degree of detail visible on the caterpillar. Can you tell us a bit more about how you made this image: your file doesn't seem to have an EXIF?
I would probably have removed the dark artefact in the bottom right in post-processing.

Willy Micheletti

New Member
1 1
Nov 13, 2022
An impressive photo, Willy. I like your composition, the bright colours and the degree of detail visible on the caterpillar. Can you tell us a bit more about how you made this image: your file doesn't seem to have an EXIF?
I would probably have removed the dark artefact in the bottom right in post-processing.
Thank you, i appreciate your kind comments. The camera i use is an Olympus OMD EM 1 mark 2 with zuiko 60mm f/2.8 macro lens, godox V350 and AK diffuser. The settings i used for this shot were S/S 1/250, f/10, ISO 320 and flash power 1/16. You are right that the black artefact in the bottom right is distracting, but i thought i would keep it since is part of the old shedding from the cat head.