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The soldier

Hello everyone. For this first post of mine I want to show you one of my latest shots. I like to shoot freehand and preferably in their natural environment while they do what their life is! Sometimes, however, I delicately capture some subjects to place them on different surfaces. Here an ant photographed on a sheet of PVC with D5300 + Tokina ATX-PRO 100 f2.8...my favorite lens for macros!


  • DSC_0026_1.jpg
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Staff member
Mar 5, 2024
Hello Dino.
Nice to see a skilled new member among us. You did a very nice portrait of that ant.
I suppose it is a stacked photography... Could you tell us a little more about the technical details.
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New Member
Apr 3, 2024
Hello Dino.
Nice to see a skilled new member among us. You did a very nice portrait of that ant.
I suppose it is a stacked photography... Could you tell us a little more about the technical details.
Thanks so much! This is a single freehand shot!! I shot at 1/200sec with the camera flash and home-made diffuser at f22 to give the greatest depth of field, and ISO160 because I didn't want too much "noise". In post production I cleaned the subject a little from a few grains of dust and cleaned the surface, also with dust. I tried stacking a few times but I prefer the single shot. To tell the truth, I'm gearing up for micro-photography, but I'll talk about this when I get the first decent results. This honestly isn't my best shot, but I don't mind anyway