Your opinion? Twinkle Eyes - Australian Garden Wolf Spider (Tasmanicosa godeffroyi)

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Sony A7iii, Sony 90mm FE Macro lens, ISO 400, f/10, 1/125 sec, flash, handheld


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Legend TEAM
3 1
Aug 4, 2020
Another spider from the Grampians. This spider was one of the first things I managed to shoot while at the Grampians, after arriving and unpacking it was evening, cicadas were singing and I was not going to let the first night at this place go to waste.

I had already been doing some night macro back at home ( I will post about night macro later) so I got my camera, some headlights and torches and headed out, I had taken less than 10 steps when I noticed a twinkle coming from under a mound of branches just near my cabin, a set of eyes were reflecting back the torch light I was using, they were at least 7 meters away from me but they were bright and big enough to get my attention.

I found this beautiful spider. I will be the first to admit its not as adorable as a jumping spider but I still love its colouring and sleek shape. This spider was about the size of an adult hand. They are the size of a tarantula but move as fast as a huntsman(pretty damn fast). They are not aggressive and their bite is poisonous but not lethal.

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Legend TEAM
5 3
Apr 20, 2020
I know similar spiders from Germany which are really huge and scary. I would change the framing of both pictures because the spider on the first picture is too far below and on the second picture it's placed to central.
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