Movies Why Beauty Matters?

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Apr 23, 2020
Why Beauty Matters?

A really interesting documentary about beauty its value in art, architecture and generally in modern society.
I watched it now and it was very interesting. Food for thought especially in the parts of art and architecture.

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Apr 23, 2020
Seems to be a very old movie panos_adgr panos_adgr . Is that interesting to be watched ?
It is indeed a very old documentary.
I watch documentaries about art and the lives of great photographers all the time! For me it is very interesting! It has to do with beauty, its value from the ancient times until its degrading to our age. It talks about classic art and modern conceptual art. It analyses the modern conceptual art movements and sets questions about modern society values on art and perception of beauty. It talks and questions our age's perception of what is valued in art. And he concentrates a lot to matters such us the artist being more interesting nowadays, instead of his/hers works. About the relation of function versus form in architecture and its outcome in the depth of time.
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Love Macro
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Mar 13, 2020
It is indeed a very old documentary.
I watch documentaries about art and the lives of great photographers all the time! For me it is very interesting! It has to do with beauty, its value from the ancient times until its degrading to our age. It talks about classic art and modern conceptual art. It analyses the modern conceptual art movements and sets questions about modern society values on art and perception of beauty. It talks and questions our age's perception of what is valued in art. And he concentrates a lot to matters such us the artist being more interesting nowadays, instead of his/hers works. About the relation of function versus form in architecture and its outcome in the depth of time.

Seems to be interesting panos_adgr panos_adgr. But in my opinion, unfortunately nowadays art lost a bit of its senses. Not a lot of people can understand that, and most people focus more on quantity rather than quality art.
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Apr 23, 2020
Seems to be interesting panos_adgr panos_adgr. But in my opinion, unfortunately nowadays art lost a bit of its senses. Not a lot of people can understand that, and most people focus more on quantity rather than quality art.
It is not your opinion Jack... It is a todays realisation. And I agree with you.
It have participated in many discussions in the past about photography. I've heard people criticising others for their artistic choices or for their style using as reference their personal POV. I've been in many discussions hearing people stating what is right or wrong. We are living in the time that the creator's persona is more important than its work. I was always a person who believed that each person has its unique personality and so does his / hers art. But I couldn't stand on my ground because I had no art knowledge. And I started studying as much as I could.
What disappoints me is that when a person says that likes art or is doing art a a hobby, he gets laughter. He or she is considered a 'romantic' person or not socially trendy.
There are many times when i photograph that i listen comments such us 'ah... everybody is doing photography' or 'aha a photographer'. Even in music taste. When you discuss and say you like jazz or classical music or whatever people look at you a bit strangely.
I think that art should be an important part of society's education, as well as aesthetics.
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Love Macro
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Mar 13, 2020
It is not your opinion Jack... It is a todays realisation. And I agree with you.
It have participated in many discussions in the past about photography. I've heard people criticising others for their artistic choices or for their style using as reference their personal POV. I've been in many discussions hearing people stating what is right or wrong. We are living in the time that the creator's persona is more important than its work. I was always a person who believed that each person has its unique personality and so does his / hers art. But I couldn't stand on my ground because I had no art knowledge. And I started studying as much as I could.
What disappoints me is that when a person says that likes art or is doing art a a hobby, he gets laughter. He or she is considered a 'romantic' person or not socially trendy.
There are many times when i photograph that i listen comments such us 'ah... everybody is doing photography' or 'aha a photographer'. Even in music taste. When you discuss and say you like jazz or classical music or whatever people look at you a bit strangely.
I think that art should be an important part of society's education, as well as aesthetics.

I think people are acting like that because art industry is over saturated, this includes musicians, photographers painters and others. Nowadays is hard to be well-known or having your name popular no matter how hard you work, or requires triple work. One more thing is, resources are widely available to people, which means can be easily accessed and that's an other reason why market is over saturated. But I will say that there doesn't require any diploma or knowledge to become do artistic work. You just need to have that passion and willing to learn, including free time as well.
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New Member
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Apr 23, 2020
I think people are acting like that because art industry is over saturated, this includes musicians, photographers painters and others. Nowadays is hard to be well-known or having your name popular no matter how hard you work, or requires triple work. One more thing is, resources are widely available to people, which means can be easily accessed and that's an other reason why market is over saturated. But I will say that there doesn't require any diploma or knowledge to become do artistic work. You just need to have that passion and willing to learn, including free time as well.
But there is also something else. Commercialisation of everything. The interest is more focused on profit rather than in quality.
I also thing that in our times there is a general lack in 'inspiration'. Not in total sizes, but in majority / minority relation.
I hope my English are well expressed and understood.
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Love Macro
Staff member
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Mar 13, 2020
But there is also something else. Commercialisation of everything. The interest is more focused on profit rather than in quality.
I also thing that in our times there is a general lack in 'inspiration'. Not in total sizes, but in majority / minority relation.
I hope my English are well expressed and understood.

Yes, i fully understand you. People are driven by profit, and loosing the real important thing, which is art, passion and patience to progress step by step. Unfortunately, there are only small minority of people who does understand real values of art.