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  1. 06082022_Ant_01_2048.jpg


    Who is watching who.
  2. Hurricane Holmes

    Your opinion? Ants Being Ants..

    Gear: Sony A7III 100mm 2x macro lens Speedlight & diffuser..
  3. Chavezshutter

    Your opinion? Jack Jumper Ant (Myrmecia pilosula) - This ant will ruin your day

    Hi, Australia has a lot of ants of many varieties. They are found all over the country in all types of climates and they dominate the landscape. One of the larger ants here are the family of ants belonging to Bulldog ants (Myrmecia) which has some species that can grow over 3.5cm, however the...
  4. priyambubai

    Your opinion? || It's Lunchtime ||

    These are the images of an ant. It was on a luffa flower. These were taken with Sony A7iii with 55-210mm lens with Raynox DCR-250 attached. I have used external flash with softbox diffuser. Hope you like these. :) f/14, 1/320s, ISO500, FL - 210mm f/14, 1/320s, ISO500, FL - 210mm
  5. priyambubai

    Your opinion? || Just an Ant ||

    These are the images of an ant. It was on a red container, that's why the red background. These were taken with Sony A7iii with 55-210mm lens with Raynox DCR-250 attached. I have used external flash with diffuser. Hope you like these. f/14, 1/250s, ISO500, FL - 210mm f/14, 1/250s, ISO500, FL -...
  6. ant.jpg


  7. priyambubai

    Your opinion? || Fire Ant ||

    It is an image of a fire ant. It was taken with Sony A7iii with 55-210mm lens with Raynox DCR-250 attached. I have used external flash with diffuser. Hope you like it. :) || Fire Ant || f/6.3, 1/200s, ISO2000, FL - 210mm
  8. priyambubai

    Hey there everyone, greetings from India.

    Hello everyone, It's Priyam from India. I've come to know about this community through Reddit and thanks for inviting me. One of my favourite hobbies is taking pictures & my most favourite genre is macro. I've been taking macro photos for almost 6 or 7 years since I've owned a smartphone. I used...
  9. Vimes

    Your opinion? The outpost: little ant on a fern

    Location: Mummelsee, Germany Time of day: Early morning Fuji X-T3 Laowa 65mm 1/250s f16 ISO 400 Speedlight with diffuser
  10. Ant eating

    Ant eating

    I found some ants going up and down, and decided to give them a small amount of jam :D I think they liked it :D This one did not want to let the others know about it, but stayed for a long while :D Olympus TG-6
  11. Ant on a thistle

    Ant on a thistle

    An ant hanging from a thistle thorn..
  12. leroyharding

    Your opinion? ants

    just ants
  13. Eliminatron

    Nice to meet you all :)

    Hey guys, My name is Alex, I am from Hamburg in Germany and have started photography as a hobby last year in October 2019. I like Landscape, Wildlife and Cityscape photography. In March of this year I finally purchased my first macro lense (Laowa 65mm) and have been hooked ever since! <- I am...
  14. ManesNera

    Your opinion? Buddy saying hello

  15. D

    An Ant

    For @nataliaflejszar&Photo I went into the garden to shoot this specially :)
  16. LmsM

    Your opinion? My first

  17. Ruth Tomlinson

    Your opinion? New to Macro Derie

  18. Natalie

    Want critique An small bee

    A took a picture of this small Ant a while ago. :)