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  1. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? European Hornet

    E-M1Mark III M.Zuiko 60mmf/2.8 macro F/2.8 1/40 sec ISO 100 Stack of fifteen photos
  2. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Up to the top

    On the way to the top and then back again because you can't go any further.
  3. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Common Horse Fly

    The common horsefly (Haematopota pluvialis) is an insect belonging to the order Diptera. It is the best known and most common type of horsefly.
  4. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Azure Damselfly

    Azure Damselfly with Mites
  5. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Common Red Soldier Beetle

    Common Red Soldier Beetle
  6. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Housefly

    Stack of fifteen photos, Handheld, Daylight.
  7. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Green Leaf Weevil

    Last weekend I went out with the 90mm macro lens, and I came across this Green Weevil
  8. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Bubble blowing fly

    OM-D E-M1MarkIII OM System 90mm F3.5 Macro IS PRO Stack of fifteen photos, Handheld, Daylight.
  9. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Bubble blowing fly

    This bubble blowing is an activity practiced by many flies. The bubble (actually a droplet) is always sucked in again. There are all kinds of theories circulating among fly experts; for example, it is suggested that it is a way to warm up. It seems that flies always do this with their head...
  10. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Hummingbird Butterfly

    With the heat that is there at the moment you see them more and more here in the Netherlands. Hummingbird Butterfly E-M1MarkIII M. Zuiko 300mm ƒ4 ISO 500 · ƒ/4 · 1/1000s · 300mm
  11. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Aphis

    E-M1Mark III M.Zuiko 60mmf/2.8 macro Caruba extension tube 10mm Iso 100, 1/25 sec. Stack of fifteen photos. Hand held. Daylight
  12. Ron Westbroek

    Your opinion? Springtail

    Today after it got dry I went into the garden with the macro lens looking for Springtails. And if you look closely you can see at the back of the bottom of the ass the tail with which they can jump.
  13. C

    "Family Reunion"

    A bunch of pigeons chillin' near my window.
  14. misswiggy

    Your opinion? Dark bush cricket, female

    Female dark bush cricket. Handheld using Lumix G9 and Olympus 60mm macro lens.
  15. Greg Shchepanek

    Did Someone say Bunny Video

    I am trying an experiment to upload one of my videos here I got some great footage of some Snowshoe Hares (Lepus americanus) Shirleys Bay, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.) this weekend at Shirleys Bay, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. This will be the first time I have uploaded a video to this community ... so...
  16. Greg Shchepanek

    A Happy Female Duck Experience

    This duck was having the time of its life swimming and diving in front of me. Female Ruddy Duck (Oxyura jamaicensis) Elk Island National Park of Canada, Alberta, Canada. #Ducks #bird #wildlife #nationalpark Nikon Coolpix A900 • ƒ/6.9 151.0 mm 1/250 250 Flash (off, did not fire)
  17. Greg Shchepanek

    Little Tree Hugger

    American Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) Mer Bleue Conservation Area, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Ramsar site no. 755. #WorldWetlandsDay2021 #merbleueconservationarea #Ramsarsites #Ramsarconvention #wildlife #mammal #squirrel Canon EOS M100 • EF-M55-200mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM • ƒ/6.3 200.0 mm...
  18. Greg Shchepanek

    Your opinion? Love on the Beach

    A couple of LeConte's Tiger Beetles (Cicindela scutellaris ssp. lecontei) having the time of their lives on the beach at the Pinery Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. Taken on June 1, 2017. From the Archive. #love #February #mating #TigerBeetles #insects #wildlife #animals Panasonic DMC-ZS60 N/A...
  19. Greg Shchepanek

    Your opinion? Tiger Beetle Love

    I am always so fascinated by the mating of insects. Here a beautiful couple in the throws of passion are Eastern Sand Tiger Beetles (Cicindela formosa ssp. generosa) Merivale Gardens, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Taken on May 21, 2018. From the Archive. #love #February #mating #TigerBeetles #insects...
  20. Greg Shchepanek

    Your opinion? Dragonfly Love at the Marsh

    Theme of Love: Hold on baby ... this could get rough. The mating rituals of the Variable Darners (Aeshna interrupta) Oak Hammock Marsh Wildlife Management Area, Manitoba, Canada. Ramsar site no. 366. Taken on September 6, 2015. From the Archive. #ramsarconvention #ramsarsite #love#February...