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  1. 031122_R5_205_2048.jpg


    Eastern Carpenter Bee
  2. TomM

    Your opinion? Common wasp

    Introduced into New Zealand and now very much seen as an invasive pest species.
  3. Greg Shchepanek

    Stay Comfy at Home

    What 2020 was all about. A definitive picture I discovered in my photo archive in 2020. Gray Treefrog (Hyla versicolor) in a Yellow Day Lily (Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus L.) A private garden, Greely, Ontario, Canada. Taken on August 3, 2014. #macroderie, #2020, #newyear, #lockdown, #archive...
  4. panos_adgr

    Regional Park Diomidous Botanical Garden / Attica Greece

    Diomidous Botanical Garden Attica Greece It is about 3 months now that every weekend I visit the Diomidous Botanical Garden. It has been a place lately where i have discovered new interesting things in photography. I've been doing most of my Macro works in this place. Except the fact that I've...
  5. Chavezshutter

    Colour Cabbage Moth on white flower - colours

    Hi, I am very happy with this photo I captured this morning. I waited to see if this moth would land on something with a better colour contrast but they only seemed interested in these bright white morning glory flowers which makes for a rather flat image in regards to colour contrast: I...
  6. TomM

    Your opinion? Knobbled Orb Weaver

    Female Knobbled Orb weaver in web, New Zealand.
  7. Chavezshutter

    Your opinion? Springtime not far - Bees

    Hello! These bees were shot in my front garden. It is slowly beginning to warm up in Australia. Not too many bees about, many flowers are still to begin blooming except for my daisies which attracted a few bees. I'm trying something different and leaving the images almost undedited. No...
  8. DSC_0099.jpg


    1/250 Iso400 Nikon D5300
  9. Bihari

    Your opinion? Beetle beauty in my garden.

  10. Bihari

    Want critique Same hoverfly form different situations.

  11. Bihari

    Your opinion? Just an ordinary fly...

  12. NeCoTi

    Your opinion? Chrysomelidae Sagra buqueti

  13. NeCoTi

    Your opinion? Tettigoniidae

  14. Little-em

    Your opinion? Not sure what it is bee /wasp ?

    Canon 1000D f/13.0 45.00mm ISO-100canon 1000D F/13.0 44.00mm ISO-100
  15. Little-em

    Your opinion? Macro of a flower from the garden.

  16. Little-em

    Your opinion? Flowers

  17. Little-em

    Apple Thistle with a bug

    Just wanted to share. taken with iPhonex F/1.8 4.00mm ISO:20 Sorry if it’s not in the right format. @Jack
  18. Richard147

    Your opinion? Garden Pansy's

  19. Mareckitx

    Your opinion? “Cookie “ spider

    Huge orb weaver spider in my garden , called him cookie because his body looks like cookie 🍪 S1/60 F25. ISO 320 SB-800 flash without diffuser
  20. JeroenvW

    Your opinion? From my own garden