
  1. Your opinion? Wasp series

    Vespula vulgaris. The common wasp, in the garden today. I don't get too close because when they get intoxicated on the juices of the apples, wasps can get quite aggressive... Paul.
  2. Insects What is it ? wasp ?

    Hi , I get it today, looks like a wasp but I don't know what is it ... I saw it being attacked by other bees.
  3. Your opinion? Orange Spider Wasp (Cryptocheilus bicolor) Rye, Victoria

    While on vacations to a nearby beach I saw this beautiful wasp. It is about 4 cm long and it was hunting. It's movement I can only describe as a bee on crack cocaine or some other heavy drug. Very erratic stop and go fast movement, jumpy and very aggressive, it would not sit still for a...
  4. Your opinion? Wasp on water

    A wasp, on water lol.
  5. Your opinion? Wasp

  6. Your opinion? Cuckoo wasp 2 The return

    Here is one photo of a beautiful cuckoo wasp on my finger. Single shot handheld with D7200, Laowa 100mm supermacro lens and Neewer cobra flash with homemade curved diffuser.
  7. Your opinion? Cuckoo wasp

    Hello everybody, Today I present you by advance (not posted on my own FB page yet) a cuckoo wasp found yesterday afternoon (9pm). I saw 2 different species of cuckoo wasp at the same time and at 20cm one from other. This photo is a focus stacking handheld of 8 shots in burst mode with D7200...
  8. Want critique Cuckoo wasp asleep

    Yesterday evening I decided, while the weather was good to get out and try to do some macroshots. And then miraculously I found a little (5mm long) cuckoo wasp asleep on a long grass. So I've done various numbers of handheld focus stacking and achieved some great results like this one which I'm...
  9. Want critique drowning wasp

    I found this wasp in the swimming pool. It was Already dead and cpr didn't help. iso: 1000, F/20 and 1/60 sec
  10. Bee again

  11. Your opinion? wasp drinking at our pond

    Nikon D850 Sigma 70-200mm, shot at 200mm F/2,8 Shutter 1/4000 ISO 200
  12. Your opinion? Wasp on the window

    F10 1/200s ISO100 with flash. It was on the window, so had to cleanup the background a bit with PS.
  13. Your opinion? What that name on English?

  14. Your opinion? Black wasp 🤔

    I have no idea what this is , look like some kind of wasp . I don’t have EXIF either 😬
  15. Your opinion? fly

  16. Your opinion? Vespula Germanica (Yellow jacket wasp)

    106 Stacked images Laowa lens Micrometric rail Flash and home made difussers 1/180, ISO 100, f/2.8 Helicon Focus Photoshop
  17. C

    Your opinion? Ruby tailed wasp

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