jumping spider

  1. Want critique looking in the mirror

    took this by placing a flower with this zebra jumping spider on it on my phone screen and waited for it to crawl off.
  2. Your opinion? Photoshoot with unknown jumping (Part2)

    Hello, More shots from this little jumping spider, it is possibly a Macaroeris nidicolens ( thanks to @MinitecaPhotographie for this info), a Adanson’s Jumping Spider (Hasarius adansoni) or a White-banded House Jumper (Hypoblemum scutulatum). Hope you enjoy
  3. Your opinion? Will you take me home?

  4. Your opinion? Jumping Spider 3

    Hi ! I'm so lucky, another jumping spider (4mm) was on my balcony, one more time ^^ It gives me the chance to try upgrading my skills, but it was not easy, jumping everywhere, it didn't wan't to go on my hand, rebound everywhere. But SO CUTE !!!!!
  5. Your opinion? Carrhottus xanthogramma female juvenile

    Here are 2 shots of 2 different spiders but from the same species. I introduce you Carrhotus xanthogramma female juvenile about 3mm long. Single shots with Nikon D7200, Laowa 100mm supermacro lens, Neewer cobra flash and homemade curved diffuser.
  6. Your opinion? Philaeus chrysops male juvenile

    Here are two single shots of a 5mm long jumping spider found yesterday morning in a field 50km from my home. As usual, made with Nikon D7200, Laowa 100mm supermacro lens, Neewer cobra flash and homemade curved diffuser.
  7. Your opinion? Photoshoot with new unknown jumping spider

    Hi, Today while shooting in my front yard I found this spider on my brother's car. I still need to research its species. It is completely different then the jumping spiders I normally photograph. I has longer arms and a completely different colour on its body. It also was a lot more curious and...
  8. Your opinion? My second Jumping Spider

    Hey ! I just found my second jumping spider on my balcony ! I'm so lucky :p It was hard because the spider was under a balcony bar ...
  9. Your opinion? Menemerus semilimbatus eating a prey

    Here is a fresh new photo taken 20 minutes ago during a hard sun afternoon. A big female Menemerus semilimbatus eating a fly on a iron stick in my garden. As usual, handheld single shot with Nikon D7200, Laowa 100mm supermacro lens, Neewer cobra flash and homemade curved diffuser.
  10. Your opinion? My first jumping spider

    Hi ! It's been a long time that I see many jumping spiders, the star of macro photography lol I never saw this before but ... Today on my balcony I saw a little white spot on black bar, i get closer and saw a spider. Ok ... Then, it's start to jump ! Oh My God ! A Jumping Spider On My Balcony...
  11. Your opinion? Bronze Jumping Spider on White Calla Lily petal

    Hello, Today I spotted this jumping spider around my bathroom window, i took a few photos of it but was unhappy with the window frame as my background so I got the little spider to jump on my hand and moved it to a lilly flower in a vase. When the spider was near the green parts of the plant it...
  12. Your opinion? Little Jumping spider

  13. Your opinion? Early flukes - Australian Bronze Jumping Spider

    Hi, This is one of my earlier succesful shot of a jumping spider. I believe I was trying to capture this with extension tubes at f/2.8 and probably using an auto focus mode, many missed shots but this one was pretty good. The ring LED flash is something I dont use on these spiders anymore as it...
  14. Your opinion? Very small jumping spider!

  15. Your opinion? Powecord - Jumping Spider (Helpis Minitabunda)

    Hi everyone :). This same jumping spider was shown in a previous post but I wanted to post this image of him separately rather then add him to the end of an older post. In this shot you can see the spider resting on a toaster powercord to see the size comparison of the spider. Hope you like it
  16. Unidentified Jumping Spider

    A jumping spider sitting on top of a plant.
  17. Want critique Australian Bronze jumping spider 2 (older photo)

    Hi everyone, Here is another photo of one of my house buddies. I was using a rather harsh LED light on the right side but it did give him a nice reflection with his eyes. Single shot handheld, 90mm + extension tube, image is cropped down. This photo is about 10 months old when I began to take...
  18. Your opinion? Australian Bronze Jumping Spider

    I have regular visits from these little cute spiders, there is a few spots around my house where I know where to find them at most times. I got one that lives on a little cactus on my window seal for example. One of my favourite macro subjects, very active and curious. The photo is about 6...
  19. Your opinion? Marpissa muscosa juvenile male 2

    Good evening everyone. Here are two photos made today of a juvenil male Marpissa muscosa found on my garden shed. Size about 5 mm long. Single shots (no focus stacking) with my Nikon D7200, Laowa 100 mm supermacro lens 2:1, Neewer cobra flash and homemade curved diffuser. South-West of France
  20. Your opinion? Jumping Spider

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