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  1. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Want critique Hunting spider from Finland

    Hello ! The picture was taken in the May 2020 and never showed anywhere, it was my beginnings of shooting macros with external tubes and macro ring flash πŸ˜„. I was very crazy with shooting insects this year! When I was bought the new ultra angel lens, the macro craziness changed to ultra angel...
  2. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Shining snow in sunrise lights.

    Beautifully shining snow in sunrise lights. . I really like the mornings&middays like this with the-20°C😁, believe me or not but the coldness shows all best with this temperatures 🀩. Breathtaking beauty in all details 🀩😁. Here is just another one shot taken same day... ,I just stopped quickly...
  3. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Beautiful snowy forest. Finland

    Hello! Here is a few photos taken yesterday during my daily walk to the wild animals feeding place πŸ’™β„πŸΏπŸ¦ . I'm still waiting for more time to try some of snowy macros... πŸ™‰πŸ˜β„πŸ’™ β„πŸ’™Snowy Greetings for you all from Northern Finland β„πŸ˜ƒπŸ’™
  4. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Sweet squirrels from today

    Hello , This beautiful gus just make me crazy πŸ˜ƒπŸ€©,when I go to the wild animals feeding place, when I take pictures and editing, I think this animals can stole hearts of everyone 🀩 The pictures fresh as from today! I can't decide which one is better πŸ˜‚ so I share both πŸ˜ƒ
  5. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Your opinion? The most common Finnish summer flowers

    The most common Finnish summer flowers πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸŒž. Do you have them in your country also? On the picture dandelion in the backlight of course.
  6. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Your opinion? Waiting for summer. Night butterfly πŸ¦‹

    Hello everyone, I just editing pictures from last summer, and I really waiting for the moments i can go to shoot beautiful insects and discover the world again, there is a lot of practice also :D. I'll try to share more pictures soon ;)
  7. Wizardinvestor

    Hi! 😊 Im Matt from Finland!

    30-year-old man from the happiest country in the world Finland! Nice to get into the community! There are absolutely great photographers here! as photo equipment i have olympus m5 mark3 + 30mm & 60mm macrolenses. Hope we each learned something new from each other! That’s me πŸ“·πŸ‘†πŸ»
  8. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    The last green leaf

    Hello everyone :geek: I still found the last one, small green leaf between dry branches around The picture I took with my 7-14mm :geek: , especially for my dear @panos_adgr, fan of my pictures taken with my new lens ;)πŸ€“ I really didn\t took macro pictures by long time.. , just some of...
  9. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Landscape All Saints Night on cemetery in Oulu , Finland. Do you celebrate the All Saints Day in your country and how?

    Hello everyone! Here is my picture taken in 1 November night on the cementary in the city centre of Oulu, in Finland. The night was beautiful- as they always are that night!, when after All Saints Day , darkness is coming, cementaries around of Finland shining beautifully with candles lived...
  10. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Want critique Sleet's water drop

    Hello again my friends Picture taken in last Sunday when was sleet, that bring first snow same here :D, northern nature is amazing artist 😘 :love: I need your help, which one cropping do you prefer THE First one with more background and negative space? Or this secound one with more...
  11. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Want critique Funny mushroom covered by snow :D

    I there buried guy under snow? :D Nature sometimes likes to make a jokes :D
  12. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Your opinion? Under snow

    I like to shoot autumn&winter minimalism pictures with snow, great occasion to get artistic minimalism sceneries.. Hope you understand my idea on the pictures :p
  13. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Want critique Fruits with snow

    Hello, and greetings from the North ;) Here is my, another one picture taken yesterday ;)
  14. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Want critique First snow\s water drop

    Hello, here is another one picture from yesterday , taken with focus bracketing in camera, merged in PS, edited LR ClassicCC Hope you like it ;) @Jack wanted closer of ices, so here is one :D :p
  15. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Your opinion? First snow\s art

    one more , before i\ll go.., :D More pictures later, i took lot of pictures yesterday of the snow macros :D
  16. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Others First snow.. from Finland :D

    Picture from yesterday , the snow melt already , i have just pictures of them :D, soon, in this week will coming more :D More pictures later :p
  17. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Landscape Welcoming the first snow in Oulu,Finland :D

    The picture i took today from my balcony , with my tele-lens 75-300 m Zuiko II Olympus, camera em10markIII Olympus I like the moments when first snow arrive, refreshing and new changes and opportunists for nice pictures ;) , although it melt fast :D , it's just first , true winter will start...
  18. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Landscape Greetings from Finland with my pictures of Nothern lights from last Monday ;)

    Hello.. from Finland ;) I just would like to share with you my last pictures that I took in last Monday on the sea beach in Oulu. ''Northern lights under fog'' Was so big fog, that was very hard to see the northern lights , luckily my camera has better ''eyes''for as me Northern mother...
  19. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Your opinion? Mushrooms from city\s meadow

    Hello :geek: Here just some of pictures of funny looking mushrooms, I took some day ago by walking on the small meadow in my city .. Oulu, Finland. .:cool: I need to find names of them in google.. :D . Seems to be two differend species on the pictures , but they need to like itself , if they...
  20. nataliaflejszar&Photo

    Your opinion? Mushroom In dark forest..

    I took the picture week ago... and already i edited it :D i played with bicycle lamp and iPhone flash lamp in dark forest to create something diffrend and special.. ;) Maybe i'll inspirate someone again ;) :D i can't wait your opinion about the picture ;)